Monday, September 17, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What's in a blog?

I’m new to this. Bear with me.

Most blogs I read are chock full of valuable info, charming anecdotes, and helpful comments by fellow readers. They’re a pleasure to read, and keep a permanent place in my bookmarks.

How can I possibly compete? Well, in truth, I can’t.

Not yet, anyway.

I’ve been trying to come up with a hook, an angle, something I can do with this blog to make it stand out. Harbor a community of like-minded individuals. Offer genuine and helpful information.

Where to start, where to start.

First off, it’s important to understand who I am. I am a writer. Unpublished, but working on it. I have two novels under my belt and am working on a third, a slew of short stories, two CD’s of original songs (recorded long ago, but still mine, okay!), and notebook after notebook of false starts, strange concepts, cool characters and the occasional poem.

Perhaps I can share my experiences “slogging through the mire,” so to speak, of finding an agent and getting my book published. Other writers are doing this, and finding great blogging success. Or, I can post snippets of works-in-progress, or short stories, or other things for y’all to read and ponder. But I’m fairly thin-skinned when it comes to things like that.

So, what to do? I’ll come up with something, I promise. Until then, maybe leave me a comment. I am assuming, of course, that there are people out there actually reading this right now.

There are, aren’t there?


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Everybody's Doing It

So there I was, diligently editing my novel-in-progress, when this pesky buzzing sound infiltrated my peace of mind. I removed my headphones, hoping that a little tap on the speaker would do the trick.

No such luck.

It turned out that the headphones worked perfectly. The buzzing came from inside my head. No way to turn it off. 

So I listened to it, and over a few seconds, the buzzing became a voice.

What did the voice say?

It said, "Start a blog." Really. I kid you not.

"Why should I?" I asked. "That would mean that everybody would be able to peek into my hidden world, know the inner goings-on of my life, and perhaps make nasty comments about my worth, or worse, my writing ability."

"Start a blog," the voice said again. I wished it would just go back to buzzing. 

"Give me one good reason," I said, "and I will."

"Fine," it said. "Everybody's doing it."

Good enough for me. So here we are.